Advanced Lessons 16-30

Lesson 16 - Developing a Character, Straight Man & Comedian, Put Downs and Insults, and Effective Joke Telling.

Lesson 17 - Writing and Rewriting Jokes, Adding Punch to the Punch Line, Ventriloquist Comedy Storytelling, and Situation Comedy.

Lesson 18 - The Value of Visual Humor, Remarks to Cover Unexpected Events, Proper and Consistent Phrasing, and Encores.

Lesson 19 - Writing Effective Routines, Polishing and Perfecting Dialogues, Getting the Most From Dialogue Delivery, and Professional Pointers.

Lesson 20 - Creating Original Comedy, Impromptu Ventriloquist Shows, Movements for Misdirection, and Wardrobe.

Lesson 21 - Always Give a Good Performance, Audience Participation, Performing With Multiple figures, and Robotics.

Lesson 22 - Overcoming Stage Fright, Confidence Building, Theatrical Sense and Timing, and Dialogue Memorization.

Lesson 23 - Introduction to Distant Ventriloquism, Voice Throwing, The Muffled Voice, and Distant Voice Illusion.

Lesson 24 - The Far Distant Voice, Variations For Use of the Far Distant Voice, Practice Pointers, and Summary of Rules for the Distant Voice.

Lesson 25 - Closeup Use of the Far Distant Voice, Polyphony and Imitations, Length of An Act, and Adding Song to the Show.

Lesson 26 - Audience Types (an Overview), Children's Audiences, and Twenty Suggestions for Making the Most o a Performance for Children.

Lesson 27 - School and Li bray Shows, Senior Adult Shows, Church Opportunities, Family Shows, Civic, Club, and Corporate Shows.

Lesson 28 - Television for the Ventriloquist, Take Your Hobby to Work, Making Your Hobby Pay, and How Much to Charge.

Lesson 29 - Amateur, Semi-Professional, and Professional Performing. Dare to Dream!

Lesson 30 - Entrance, Bow and Exit. Audience Warm-up. Atmosphere, Poise, Showmanship, and Applause. Gospel Ventriloquism.